RSA intro video
RSA video
RSA sign
In order to understand hex and type parameters read Hash
Description: Public-key cryptosystem
Problem: Integer Factoriation
Uses: Encrypt, digital signatures
It only supports "type":"string"
How to ???
Copy import requests
import json
import os , binascii
def sending ( message ):
url = ''
response = requests . post (url, data = message)
print response . content
return response . content
def rsa ( data_js , bits ):
req = json . loads (data_js)
req [ "length" ] = bits
print "Send gen parameters : \n " + json . dumps (req) + "\n"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived rsa gen: \n" + (json . dumps (answ) ) + "\n\n\n"
json_s = json_v = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"RSA", "type":"string","plaintext": "Hello world!", "hex":0,"privkey": "" ,"operation":"sign"}'
req = json . loads (json_s)
req [ "privkey" ] = answ [ "privkey" ]
print "Send sign : \n " + json . dumps (req) + "\n"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_1 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived sign done: \n" + (json . dumps (answ_1) ) + "\n\n\n"
json_v = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"RSA", "type":"string","plaintext": "Hello world!", "hex":0,"pubkey": "" ,"sign":"","operation":"verify"}'
req = json . loads (json_v)
req [ "pubkey" ] = answ [ "pubkey" ]
req [ "sign" ] = answ_1 [ "sign" ]
print "Send verify : \n " + json . dumps (req) + "\n"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_2 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived verify done: \n" + (json . dumps (answ_2) ) + "\n\n\n"
json_enc = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"RSA", "type":"string","pubkey": "" ,"operation":"enc", "plaintext":"Hello world!","hex":0 }'
req = json . loads (json_enc)
req [ "pubkey" ] = answ [ "pubkey" ]
print "Send enc : \n " + json . dumps (req) + "\n"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_3 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived enc done: \n" + (json . dumps (answ_3) ) + "\n\n\n"
json_dec = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"RSA", "type":"string","privkey": "" ,"operation":"dec", "plaintext":"" }'
req = json . loads (json_dec)
req [ "privkey" ] = answ [ "privkey" ]
req [ "plaintext" ] = answ_3 [ "result" ]
print "Send dec : \n " + json . dumps (req) + "\n"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_3 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived dec done: \n" + (json . dumps (answ_3) ) + "\n\n\n"
rsa_gen = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"RSA", "operation":"gen" , "length": 0 }'
rsa (rsa_gen, 1024 )
In this example we generate a RSA key (1024 bits), sign and validate "Hello world!" string, we enc and dec "Hello world!" string.
The default hash function to sign is sha3256, you can change by adding "hashsign" and can be one of {"sha3_512","sha3_384","sha3_256","sha3_224","sha_512","sha_384","sha_256","sha_224","sha_1","whirlpool"}
Json to gen
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "RSA" , "operation" : "gen" , "length" : INT }
Json to sign
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "RSA" , "type" : "string" , "plaintext" : "your string" , "hex" : BOOL , "privkey" : "your hex privkey" , "operation" : "sign" }
Json to verify
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "RSA" , "type" : "string" , "plaintext" : "your string" , "hex" : BOOL , "pubkey" : "your hex pubkey" , "sign" : "your hex signature" , "operation" : "verify" }
Json to enc
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "RSA" , "type" : "string" , "pubkey" : "your hex pubkey" , "operation" : "enc" , "plaintext" : "your string" , "hex" : BOOL }
Json to dec
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "RSA" , "type" : "string" , "privkey" : "your hex privkey" , "operation" : "dec" , "plaintext" : "your enc hex string" }