ECC intro video
ECC video
In order to understand hex and type parameters read HASH
Description: Public-key cryptosystem
Problem: Discrete logarithm problem
Uses: Encrypt
It only supports "type":"string"
Description: Public-key cryptosystem
Problem: Discrete logarithm problem
Uses: Digital signatures
It only supports "type":"string"
How to ???
Copy import requests
import json
import os , binascii
def sending ( message ):
url = ''
response = requests . post (url, data = message)
print response . content
return response . content
def ecc_pb ( data_js ):
req = json . loads (data_js)
curve = req [ "curve" ]
print "Send gen parameters : \n" + data_js + "\n"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ = json . loads (data_js_n)
print 'Recived ecc gen: \n' + json . dumps (answ) + "\n\n\n"
json_enc = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"ECIES", "type":"string","pubkey": "" ,"operation":"enc", "plaintext":"Hello world!" ,"curve":""}'
req = json . loads (json_enc)
req [ "pubkey" ] = answ [ "pubkey" ]
req [ "curve" ] = curve
print "Send enc: \n" + (json . dumps (req) ) + "\n"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_1 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived enc : \n" + (json . dumps (answ_1) ) + "\n"
req [ "privkey" ] = answ [ "privkey" ]
req [ "plaintext" ] = answ_1 [ "result" ]
req [ "pubkey" ] = ""
req [ "operation" ] = "dec"
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_2 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived dec done: \n" + (json . dumps (answ_2) ) + "\n\n\n"
json_sign = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"ECDSA", "type":"string","plaintext": "Hello world", "hex":0,"privkey": "" ,"operation":"sign"}'
req = json . loads (json_sign)
req [ "privkey" ] = answ [ "privkey" ]
req [ "curve" ] = curve
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_3 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived sign done: \n" + (json . dumps (answ_3) ) + "\n"
json_verify = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"ECDSA", "type":"string","plaintext": "Hello world", "hex":0,"pubkey": "", "operation":"verify","sign":""}'
req = json . loads (json_verify)
req [ "pubkey" ] = answ [ "pubkey" ]
req [ "sign" ] = answ_3 [ "sign" ]
req [ "curve" ] = curve
data_js_n = sending (json. dumps (req))
answ_4 = json . loads (data_js_n)
print "Recived verify done: \n" + (json . dumps (answ_4) ) + "\n\n\n"
ecc_gen = '{ "version": 1 , "algorithm":"ECC_GEN", "curve":"secp256k1"}'
ecc_pb (ecc_gen)
In this example we generate a ECC key (secp256k1), sign and validate "Hello world!" string, we enc and dec "Hello world!" string.
On "curve" can be one of {"brainpoolP512r1","secp521r1","brainpoolP384r1","secp384r1","brainpoolP320r1","brainpoolP256r1", "secp256k1","sect571r1","sect571k1","sect409r1","sect409k1","sect283r1","sect283k1"}
The default hash function to sign is sha3256, you can change by adding "hashsign" and can be one of {"sha3_512","sha3_384","sha3_256","sha3_224","sha_512","sha_384","sha_256","sha_224","sha_1","whirlpool"}
Json to gen
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "ECC_GEN" , "curve" : "curve flavor" }
Json to enc
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "ECIES" , "type" : "string" , "hex" : BOOL , "pubkey" : "your hex pubkey" ,
"operation" : "enc" , "plaintext" : "your string" , "curve" : "curve flavor" }
Json to dec
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "ECIES" , "type" : "string" , "privkey" : "your hex privkey" ,
"operation" : "dec" , "plaintext" : "your hex enc string" , "curve" : "curve flavor" }
Json to sign
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "ECDSA" , "type" : "string" , "plaintext" : "your string" , "hex" : BOOL ,
"privkey" : " your hex pirvkey" , "operation" : "sign" , "curve" : "curve flavor" }
Json to verify
Copy { "version" : 1 , "algorithm" : "ECDSA" , "type" : "string" , "plaintext" : "your string" , "hex" : BOOL ,
"pubkey" : "your hex pubkey" , "sign" : "your hex signature" , "operation" : "verify" , "curve" : "curve flavor" }