Descriptopn: It is the latest member of the Secure Hash Algorithm family of standards, released by NIST.
Outputs: 512, 384, 256, 224.
Uses: General propuse, 3GPP TS 35.231, FIPS 202 , SP 800-185. TUAK, NIST, FIPS.
Description: NSA cryptographic hash functions.
Outputs: SHA2: 512, 384, 256, 224. SHA1: 160
Uses: General propuse, backward compatibility. NIST, FIPS.
Description: Hash based on AES.
Outputs: 512
Uses: Performance is not impportant, ISO/IEC 10118-3, NESSIE, ISO ,IEC.
Description: Faster hash than SHA-3, SHA2, SHA1, MD5 and at least as secure as the latest standard SHA-3.
Outputs: 512
Uses: Performance is impportant, RFC 7693,
Description: SipHash is a family of pseudorandom functions (a.k.a. keyed hash functions) optimized for speed on short messages.Target applications include network traffic authentication and defense against hash-flooding DoS attacks.
Outputs: 128
How to ???
In this example we get SHA3512 for _Hello world! string
On data_js["algorithm"] can be one of {SHA3_512, SHA3_384, SHA3_256, SHA3_224, SHA_512, SHA_384, SHA_256, SHA_224, SHA_1, WHIRLPOOL, BLAKE2B, SIPHASH}
In this example We get WHIRLPOOL for 48656c6c6f20776f726c64210d0a0d0 string.
"hex":1 indicates the string is a hex string
"hex":0 indicates the string is a ascii string
When hex doesn't appear indicates the same as "hex":0
hex parameter only applies for when "type":"string"
hex parameter indicates if the string is hex or ascii.
In this example we get SHA1 for _mayhem.txt file
On "type":"file" the parameter "hex" isn't needed
On "file":"route to file" indicates where is the file. It depends on where Coherence is running.
On data_js["type"] can be file or string
type indicates if you are going to apply the algorithm on a file or on a string.
Json to hash string
Json to hash file
Last updated
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